Range:0.02, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 5
Method:4-Aminoantipyline Color Comparison Method with Enzyme
Reaction Time:1min
Standard colors were determined from standard solutions. However, coexisting
substances will
cause inaccurate results. The list below reports ion concentrations under
which ones interferences
are insignificant:
≤ 1000 mg/L : Ag+, B3+, Ba2+, Ca2+,Cl-, F-, I-, K+, Mg2+, Na+, NH4
+, NO3
-, PO4
3-, SO4
2-, Zn2+
≤ 500 mg/L : NO2
-, Phenol
≤ 200 mg/L : Ni2+
≤ 100 mg/L : Al3+, Cr3+, Anionic surfactant
≤ 50 mg/L : Cu2+
≤ 20 mg/L : Co2+, Mn2+
≤ 5 mg/L : Cr6+
≤ 2 mg/L : Mo6+
≤ 1 mg/L : CN-, Fe3+
Sub-ppm level : Fe2+, Residual chlorine
The Hydrogen Peroxide PACKTEST is suitable for sea water samples.
Hydrogen peroxide compounds like residual chlorine or oxidizing interfer
Residual chlorine 1 mg/L ������ H2O2 0.5 mg/L
Residual chlorine 0.5 mg/L ������ H2O2 0.02 mg/L
Reductive substances can interfere by hydrogen peroxide consumption.
보다 .