특징 1.6-3,200,000 mPas/cP
빠른 측정 결과 확인
Brookfield 측정법
전용 소프트웨어 사용
2년 무상 보증 적용분야 BS 6075, 5350
ISO 2555, 1652
ASTM 115, 759, 1076, 1084, 1286, 1417, 1439, 1638, 1824, 2196, 2336, 2364, 2393, 2556, 2669, 2849, 2983, 2994, 3232, 3236, 3716
Spinde selected
Spindle used
Speendle reference
Viscosity Range V2H |
1.6 - 3,200,000 mPas/cP
126 Range (21 speeds with 6 spindles)
Dynamic viscosity
mPas 또는 cP
(in version H, dPad 또는 P)
Auto range to display
viscosity limits
mPas 또는 cP
(in version H, dPad 또는 P)
Sheare Rate (SR)
(with special spindle)
1 / sec
(in version H, dPas 또는 P)
Sheare Stress (SS)
(with special spindle)
N/m2 또는 dyne / cm2
(only in V2 version)
Accuracy |
+/- 1 % of full scale |
Reproducability |
+/- 0.2 %
Version H
(High viscosity)
6 spindle (R2-R3-R4-R5-R6-R7)
Model V1 (rpm)
Model V2 (rpm)
Temperature Range
- 15 ℃
- + 180 ℃ |
Resolution |
0.1 ℃ |
Accuracy |
+/- 0.1 ℃
페인트 점도계 동영상 리뷰
페인트 점도계 관련자료 |
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